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Beautiful ukrainian women: do they dream of a love marriage or rather of a marriage of convenience?

With the expression a love marriage beautiful ukrainian women are almost never associated. But why? Do all Slavic women who get married dream of escaping from their homeland in order to find a better life abroad? Discover the truth in this article…

The contemporary world is built on stereotypes. Because of the beauty of Russian and Ukrainian girls, we often hear among foreigners that love marriages are not made for them. They say that beautiful ukrainian women prefer to find a rich man in another country to move to his homeland and enjoy the perfect life by manipulating him and getting everything they want.

Strong discussions have appeared in the Internet concerning this topic. Our team has decided to look at this issue taking an example of Italy, where international alliances are becoming more and more fashionable. What do Europeans think about us in reality and how do Slavic women themselves comment on this situation? We offer you one of the direct testimonials to read and analyze.

Testimonial: Julia and David who already know each other more than 8 years and who got married in 2013

Julia (journalist): “The opinion that all women in Eastern Europe marry foreigners generally for financial status seems to me very offensive and unfair. There are different people but as for me, I support love marriages and I married my husband at the age of 33 years. It was not my first wedding. It is necessary to understand that to marry a European foresees the partnership, it means that both of you must work, take care of children and do the housework. It is true that Slavic women who have married Europeans and moved to their husbands’ country are forced to work far more than in their homeland. So, those who hope not to think about the family budget, are wrong. Besides, remember that it will be necessary to adapt to a lot of things, including the living conditions, the mentality of people, the new work and in addition, to learn a new language, which is not always easy”.

David (engineer, Italian): “I think that all women dream of a wedding, not only beautiful ukrainian brides. I can say that my own experience in couple with a Slavic girl is the opposite of stereotypes: yes, she is a bit capricious but she is not interested in money as many people often think. We often share our expenses together and I am not at all the only support of our family. It seems to me that becoming a husband of a pretty Slavic girl is a real challenge, because it is necessary to maintain always your form. For me, it’s good, otherwise, like most Italians, I would stay on the couch all the time while watching TV. To the contrary, with my wife Julia, I share many interesting activities: sport, video, photography “.

les mariages du cœur

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